The Blog

Have you read them all?
15 Ways to Know You’re Bad at Math

15 Ways to Know You’re Bad at Math

Remember, O Stranger! Arithmetic is the first of the sciences and the mother of safety.” – Louis D. Brandeis (probably quoting Sophocles) I was a high school math teacher for a...

Solar Panel Update: Year 2

Solar Panel Update: Year 2

About two years ago, we installed solar panels on our house and since that time, not only has it covered 100% of our electric bill, it's actually been accruing credit so the...

Legacy We Want to Leave Our Children

Legacy We Want to Leave Our Children

As new parents responsible for our little daughter who's nearly one year old (WHAT?! I can’t believe I just typed that!  She was just born! Where has the time gone???), we’ve...

Easy “Miso” Soup – Without Miso

Easy “Miso” Soup – Without Miso

Today we are going to share with you how you can easily and inexpensively make our version of miso soup. Not only is this recipe super-duper easy, fairly cheap (think $0.15 per...

Financial Independence: Independence from What?

Financial Independence: Independence from What?

It’s July 4 weekend which means it’s time to celebrate Independence Day again here in America.  In line with this theme, I want to reflect a little bit on the idea of “financial...

Brexit! Run for the Exits?

Brexit! Run for the Exits?

In case you’ve haven’t been paying attention, everyone’s been talking about the “Brexit” the past couple of days.  No, it’s not referring to some crusty European breakfast...

Book Review: The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins

Book Review: The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins

Of all topics we’ve written about on Saving the Crumbs, the one we probably get asked about the most is investing. I’ve dipped my toe into the subject here and there on occasion,...

Student Loan Forgiveness: Running the Numbers

Student Loan Forgiveness: Running the Numbers

In our last post, we began the discussion on the federal student loan forgiveness programs in the US by explaining briefly how they work and posed a few questions for...

Student Loan Forgiveness: Too Good To Be True?

Student Loan Forgiveness: Too Good To Be True?

There has been more than one individual who has asked if I’ve heard about the US government’s student loan forgiveness program, and whether it was a good idea. Actually, the...

Peanut Butter Carob Banana Smoothie

Peanut Butter Carob Banana Smoothie

Summer’s coming! Along with all the wonderful sunshine, days in the pool and sprinklers, vacations, and gardening comes the not-so-pleasant sweltering heat. Back when Al and I...

Don’t Buy Stuff You Cannot Afford

Don’t Buy Stuff You Cannot Afford

Sometimes getting control of our money just involves a little common sense. But common sense isn’t always so common these days. To illustrate, this parody sketch from about 10...

How to Invest in Real Estate Without Owning Any

How to Invest in Real Estate Without Owning Any

Real estate is one of the oldest forms of investing known to man. It’s still one of the most common paths to wealth and one of the most reliable ways to put our money to work....

A Random Crumb #10: DIY Baby Toys

A Random Crumb #10: DIY Baby Toys

Every once in a while, the Crumb Saver household shares a snapshot of a recent crumb-saving (or wasting!) incident on A Random Crumb. This column is proof that, hey, we’re people...

How to Plan a Menu On a Budget

How to Plan a Menu On a Budget

A frequent question we get asked in relation to our posts on How We Eat for Less Than $60 a Month is, “Can you share some of your typical menus/menu plans?” That’s a good...

Financial Success and Its Critics

Financial Success and Its Critics

Every so often I come across individuals that exemplify values that we try to promote on this blog. Recently I was introduced to the story of Mr. Earl, a parking lot attendant...

Easiest Cheapest Granola Recipe Ever

Easiest Cheapest Granola Recipe Ever

As you’ve probably read in some of our other posts, Al and I typically spend less than $60/month on food. One of the ways we do this is by making a lot of food from scratch. But...

How to Sell Stuff on Craigslist

How to Sell Stuff on Craigslist

Three years ago, we moved into our house at the beginning of August. The grass was growing like gangbusters and with the already daunting task of furnishing the whole place (we...

A Weekend Surprise

A Weekend Surprise

Over the weekend, we discovered that our humble little blog was featured on Many of you may be familiar with Clark Howard as the money-saving expert on TV and...

The Stock Market and the End of the World

The Stock Market and the End of the World

It seems like on a fairly regular basis, someone is predicting that the next “big stock market crash” is just around the corner which will shortly be followed by the end of the...

Why You Shouldn’t Be Happy About Your Tax Refund

Why You Shouldn’t Be Happy About Your Tax Refund

It’s that time of year again when Uncle Sam comes knocking. When working Americans across the land undergo the annual rite of filling out sophisticated, arcane math and crossword...

Money Issues When We Were Dating

Money Issues When We Were Dating

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be appropriate to spend a little time in recounting some memories from the by-gone days of when we were still childless,...

Random Crumb #9: Why Even Our Baby Loves Amazon

Random Crumb #9: Why Even Our Baby Loves Amazon

Every once in a while, the Crumb Saver household shares a snapshot of a recent crumb-saving (or wasting!) incident on A Random Crumb. This column is proof that, hey, we’re people...

Random Crumb #8: Hazards of Homeownership

Random Crumb #8: Hazards of Homeownership

Every once in a while, the Crumb Saver household shares a snapshot of a recent crumb-saving (or wasting!) incident on A Random Crumb. This column is proof that, hey, we’re people...

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