Happy 2021!
2020 was a difficult year for all of us, and I’m sure you are as ready as I am to turn the page to a new year. There have been some changes around these parts and in the Crumb Saver household, so I want to give you a quick update on what’s happening and a little bit of what to expect in the future.
New Website
As you can see, this site has been completely redesigned and rebuilt from the ground up. I’m glad to have finally caught up with the 21st Century! I hope this will be a more user-friendly experience and that it will be a bit easier on the eyes.
New Baby
We also have a second baby girl on the way! Baby Crumb #2 is due in March 2021 and we are so excited. Naturally this will impact our lives a bit (a LOT!), but as I’ll mention a little later, we still have long-term plans for this site.
We are also happy to report that 5 years into parenthood, the much-predicted annihilation of the family budget has yet to occur. Over the past four years since our last household annual financial report, we’ve continued to live on 17% of our income, give away 27%, and save 56% on average. (Maybe this will all change with Baby Crumb #2? Stay tuned to find out!)
New Business
Although our writing has slowed way down on this site, our involvement in personal finance has not. Over the past few years, I’ve conducted numerous finance seminars each year across the country and around the world. In 2020, I became intimately familiar with holding meetings via Zoom!
From those events, people have reached out with questions and seeking personalized advice. So I’ve also had a steady stream of personal counseling and advising too. However, as some of the situations began to get more complex and difficult, I realized I was getting out of my depth.
With much prayer, I felt a distinct call to get further training in financial planning so I can help people on a more professional level. Right now, I am in the last stages of obtaining the ChFC designation to become a professional comprehensive financial planner, after which I plan to start a part-time financial planning practice. Down the line, I hope to sit for the CFP exam as well.
So as you can see, even though we haven’t been as active online the last few years, we most definitely have not slowed down offline.
New Articles
And that brings us back to this blog.
During my seminars and private counseling sessions, I’ve encountered many common questions that people ask. So I hope to use this platform to answer some of them as best I can both for a resource where I can point people to for reference, and also for the benefit of anyone else who may have the same questions.
Since we have another baby on the way shortly, and the last time this happened, we lost any free time to write for a good long while, I’m not making any predictions regarding the frequency or consistency that we’ll be able to continue writing. However, we definitely have every intent of writing more. And in time, we will.
If you haven’t already, please sign up for our email newsletter to stay informed of our latest articles as they come out and also for any news and updates about the new business.
New Topics
Thank you for visiting the brand new Saving the Crumbs today, and before you go, I’d like to ask you something. Are there any specific topics or questions on personal finance that you’ve been wondering about that you would like us to write about? Let us know in the comments below, it will be a great help to let us know where to focus our attention.
Thanks again and Happy New Year!