So now that you understand a little of how ALDI operates, how can you maximize your savings at this unassuming, yet incredibly brilliant store? Don’t settle on just wandering over to an ALDI any old day and picking good deals off the shelf. There’s a method to this crumb saving madness!
Instead, plan your purchases based on ALDI’s weekly circular. This is your #1 secret to supercharging your ALDI savings, and you can find it with a few simple clicks when you navigate to the ALDI website or on their app. Basically, you will find 3 categories of products (listed here in order of value according to our household use):
1. Produce Deals
These are your top priority. Produce deals at ALDI will sometimes beat Walmart prices by 50%. Here are some examples.
Aldi Special | Walmart | Savings | |
Carrots (2lb) | $0.49 | $1.48 | 67% |
Green bell peppers (3 pack) | $0.99 | $2.34 (78¢ each) | 58% |
Potatoes (10lb) | $1.99 | $3.97 | 50% |
2. Special Buys
These are products that ALDI carries for a limited time, are usually ALDI private label brands, and are geared around a season, holiday, or theme. These can be great buys (read about one of ours here), but are not generally routine needs in our household. They can also be fairly large products and are often non-food items. Don’t be surprised to find generators, trampolines, rose bushes, memory foam mattresses, laundry racks, and more. In addition to the current week’s ad, ALDI prints these in a separate ad (without the produce deals) a week ahead of time. This is great for money-saving planning, and nothing beats anticipation of a great deal!
3. Regular Items
Interspersed among the amazing produce deals and the incredible Special Buys are “regulars”. Items that I think ALDI throws in as a “look at me”. They are the regular ALDI price (which usually are good deals anyway) but are in want of some consumer attention. Don’t let them fool you into buying them because you think they’re “on sale”. A truly “on sale” item will generally have this tell-tale arrow with the original and discounted prices.
TIP: The ad in my area comes out on Wednesday and lasts a week. However, I have found that ads for cities nearby sometimes come out on Sunday, so I can get a sneak preview of what produce is going to be on sale and plan my shopping accordingly. If you’re trying to shop smart, see if this trick works in your area.
Ready to learn more tips? Check out the rest of our articles to supercharge your ALDI savings.
Why ALDI Should Be Your Best Friend
Supercharge Your Savings at ALDI: Part 2 – Double Guarantee
Supercharge Your Savings at ALDI: Part 3 – Price Matching