The Blog
Have you read them all?What is an HSA and How Does it Save Me Money?
In our last post, we discussed the dilemma of health insurance in the US, and what we opted to do as we transitioned away from our Medi-Share service to a traditional healthcare...
What Type of Health Insurance Should I Get?
If you’ve followed this blog for very long, you will know that we haven’t had traditional health insurance for the past few years but have been using a Christian medical expense...
Our 2015 Finances Exposed!
It’s that time again, ladies and gentlemen, when we pull back the curtain and share how much we earned, gave away, spent, and saved in the past year. If you’re new to this blog,...
Learn How to Save Money in the New Year!
2016 is upon us! This weekend Deb, Baby Crumb Saver, and I are all at a church youth conference. Besides battling the many germs from hundreds of handshakes, and juggling a...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Wow, where has 2015 gone?! Is it just me or has it flown by in a blink of an eye? (Perhaps a few months of little sleep have worked a number on me!) It’s been quite the year in...
Life Insurance: Do I Need It?
As of this month, both Deb and I now have life insurance coverage. Life insurance is not something that’s commonly discussed and is an understandably awkward topic, yet one that...
Do Cloth Diapers Save Money?
In our last post, Al and I shared ways on How to Save Money on Cloth Diapers. We went over which type and brands we found to be most cost effective and a few other crumb saving...
How to Save Money on Cloth Diapers
Now that little Miss Crumbsaver has joined our family, Al and I are finding that diapers have become a very essential part of our lives. And as Al mentioned in a previous post...
Will Work for Food!
It’s been several weeks since we last posted—in fact, this was probably the longest dry spell for new posts since we launched this blog over a year ago! The baby certainly has...
How to Budget for Maximum Savings
What is the purpose of a budget? My guess is that most people would answer with, “To control our spending.” Or perhaps, “So we don’t spend too much money.” Or if you’re a nerd,...
How Stocks Make You Money
Wait! Before you write this post off as one of those spammy, click-baiting, “get-rich-quick” articles that show up in annoying pop-up windows, notice that this article isn’t...
5 Expensive Things We Own
The title of this post may surprise you since you know what penny-pinching cheapskates we can be sometimes. Nevertheless, as we discussed in our post “The Art of Having Your Cake...
Saving $320 on an iPhone 6 Plus with Swappa
Well, it’s that time of year again—that time when millions of people collectively lose their minds over a new shiny gadget. Yes, it’s Apple’s annual release of the new iPhone. In...
Reader Case Study: Student Loans, Weddings, and Family. Oh My!
Every so often, we get asked questions that could be instructive to many of our readers. We recently got asked some such questions by a reader named Gina, and so I thought I'd...
The Baby is Here!
If you’ve been wondering why things have gotten a bit quiet around here, it’s because about a week and a half ago, our little Miss Crumb Saver entered the world! It’s been quite...
How We’re Saving for College—and How We’re Not
With the impending arrival of our baby, her future and what to do about college savings has been on my mind a lot lately--and I assume many of you parents are in a similar boat....
Why Be a Stay at Home Mom? 9 Reasons.
This month marks a momentous milestone in my life – I have retired. No, not to vacation or lounge around, but to full-time mommyhood. Before you think the baby has come, she...
How to Pay Off the House in 2 Years
Today marks a momentous occasion in our lives. One for which we have been waiting for some time. No—the baby hasn’t come yet. Today marks exactly two years to the day from when...
What Does A Baby Really Need?
Retailers target people at major life transitions, such as graduations, weddings, and the birth of a baby—especially the birth of a baby. They know that at these major life...
Random Crumb #7: Tidbits from our Trip
Every once in a while, the Crumb Saver household shares a snapshot of a recent crumb-saving (or wasting!) incident on A Random Crumb. This column is proof that, hey, we're people...
My Thoughts on the Tesla Powerwall
If you’ve been keeping up with this blog, you’ll know that we are really into energy saving and even have solar panels installed at our house. (You can read our initial post...
1-Year Update on Our Solar Panels
About one year ago, we shared in the post entitled “How We Get Paid By Our Power Company with Solar Panels” how we installed solar panels to offset our electricity bill. Ever...
Cheap Ways to Stay Cool in Summer
Last winter, I wrote a post called “Cheap Ways to Stay Warm in Winter” and seeing that we have just experienced our first solid week of 90+ degree weather here in Tennessee, I...
Free Unlimited Online Photo Storage with Google Photos
On and off through the years, I’ve dabbled in the hobby of photography. (Even back before digital cameras were in vogue!) Particularly since the advent of smartphones with...
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